mutated$51060$ - определение. Что такое mutated$51060$
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Что (кто) такое mutated$51060$ - определение

I-Mutation; I-mutated

ATM serine/threonine kinase         
  • ATM-mediated two-step response to DNA double strand breaks. In the rapid response activated ATM phosphorylates effector kinase CHK2 which phosphorylates CDC25A, targeting it for ubiquitination and degradation. Therefore, phosphorylated CDK2-Cyclin accumulates and progression through the cell cycle is blocked. In the delayed response ATM phosphorylates the inhibitor of p53, MDM2, and p53, which is also phosphorylated by Chk2. The resulting activation and stabilization of p53 leads to an increased expression of Cdk inhibitor p21, which further helps to keep Cdk activity low and to maintain long-term cell cycle arrest.<ref name="MorganDavid" />
  • Schematic illustration of the four known conserved domains in four members of the PIKKs family<ref name="LempiäinenHalazonetis" />
ATM protein; ATM (gene); ATM kinase; Ataxia telangiectasia mutated
ATM serine/threonine kinase, symbol ATM, is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is recruited and activated by DNA double-strand breaks. It phosphorylates several key proteins that initiate activation of the DNA damage checkpoint, leading to cell cycle arrest, DNA repair or apoptosis.
List of genes mutated in cutaneous conditions         
List of genes mutated in pigmented cutaneous lesions
A number of gene mutations have been linked to conditions of or affecting the human integumentary system.
I-mutation (also known as umlaut, front mutation, i-umlaut, i/j-mutation or i/j-umlaut) is a type of sound change in which a back vowel is fronted or a front vowel is raised if the following syllable contains , or (a voiced palatal approximant, sometimes called yod, the sound of English in yes). It is a category of regressive metaphony, or vowel harmony.



I-mutation (also known as umlaut, front mutation, i-umlaut, i/j-mutation or i/j-umlaut) is a type of sound change in which a back vowel is fronted or a front vowel is raised if the following syllable contains /i/, /ī/ or /j/ (a voiced palatal approximant, sometimes called yod, the sound of English ⟨y⟩ in yes). It is a category of regressive metaphony, or vowel harmony.

The term is usually used by scholars of the Germanic languages: it is particularly important in the history of the Germanic languages because inflectional suffixes with an /i/ or /j/ led to many vowel alternations that are still important in the morphology of the languages.